This Is Still The Best Pencil Sharpener Ever!

Here we are…almost March! (How did that even happen?!) I don’t know about you, but for us that means we’re getting ready to move into our test prep season…lots of bubbling and essay writing! What’s needed most during this time (other than patience lol) is a trusty pencil sharpener…one that always produces a nice point and doesn’t stop working when even the tiniest of pencils is jammed into it and is unable to be retrieved (I know you know what I mean!!)

I’ve tried the electric sharpeners many times (only because my school always gives us one in the beginning of the year) and each time I end up utterly disappointed. Whether it be that the students *always* find a way to break it or that the point isn’t as sharp as I like it or that the screeching noise is simply unbearable.

Personally, I love the slow and steady grind of a manual pencil sharpener! And not just any manual pencil sharpener–the pencil sharpeners from Classroom Friendly Supplies are absolutely amazing!

The sharpeners come in an assortment of colors! My all-time favorite is the Midnight Black sharpener. The colors are bright and the paint doesn’t chip. I love that you can place the sharpener anywhere. You have the option to clamp it down or leave the clamp off for more mobility. I also love that you can buy replacement blades (and parts) for the sharpeners, instead of buying a brand new sharpener each time the blade gets dull. This has truly been a life saver–not only for my classroom and the environment, but also for my wallet!

The sharpeners are easy to use and allow the students to know when their pencils are sharpened. They are always amazed at the size of the point! The sharpeners are also simple to take apart, which makes it *very* easy to get out a lodged broken point of a pencil, whether it be a graphite or colored pencil point. Being able to see the pencil being sharpened has also prevented students from sharpening those really small pencils that tend to get stuck in other sharpeners.



I will say that it does take a little bit of time for students to get used to actually sharpening the pencils. I give them a little tutorial on how to use the sharpeners and once they get the hang of it–there’s no stopping them!

This sharpener instantly becomes a favorite over its electric counterpart! See what one student has to say…

If you’re having issues with your pencil sharpeners, you should go to Classroom Friendly Supplies and see what they have to offer…maybe even give one a try 🙂

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